
I am fascinated with photography. Something about the sheer endless artistic choices you have when editing a well-taken RAW photo is magical to me.

The thing is, I also like expressing myself through fashion, style and dancing. To me, even a stage performance is not only about one thing, be it music or visual art, it is always the entire setting that's important to me. The ambiance. The complete package, or artist, art, style, and expression.

That is why I have started capturing my favourite styles in photos. A posture can say more than a thousand words, a scene encapsulates energy, emotion and tension, lighting can have incredible effects on how a setting is perceived.

I am nowhere near a professional. I never was, and I still work 99% based on my instinct. But I am confident with the results. Some of which I'd love to show you here.

Note: For all things photos, please also refer to my
lifestyle Instagram page and my external modelling web page.

I am always interested in new projects with creative minds. If you want to collaborate, please contact me here:

I'll be happy to answer shortly!

Impressions: Shooting on 28th July with

Theme: Favourite outfits, fashion shoot.

Impressions: Shooting on 2nd September with Lenny Lorenz

Theme: Music, Outdoors, Electronic music and nature

Impressions: EVIA gig photos from on 18th July, by Lukas

Theme: Live Setting, gig photography

There's more.

Give me some time to put finishing touches on even more content!