The Music Studio
Making music is not just a hobby. It's a lifestyle.
Using high-quality hardware that I have accumulated over years of following this path, I do live recordings of my three main instruments, being guitar, violin and piano. I also frequently use field recordings of everyday sounds like air conditioners, but also exotics like a 19th century church organ or a wind harp, to create special atmospheres.
With music software such as Ableton Live, I then create samples of my recordings, arrange them into a timeline and add synthesizers, post-processing FX and final touches.
An average song takes me about 50 hours to produce.
In the following, you can find all releases I have ever done, together with comments and further information on the creative process and my mindset behind it.


Polylight on Catharsis
Junger Kultur-Kanal Karlsruhe • 8min
German Radio Interview

EVIA and Polylight on Mesmerized
Junger Kultur-Kanal Karlsruhe • 30min
German Radio Interview
Copyright 2024. All content of this website is entirely open source or created by myself.
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